Clinical & Hands-On Learning
The Northeast Doctor of Chiropractic Program’s hands-on clinical rotations transform students into expert adjusters.
Throughout their 10 trimesters of study at Northeast, chiropractic students gain significant experience not just in hands-on adjusting but also in history taking, physical procedures, diagnosis and treatment planning. Through this immersive learning in a diverse range of healthcare settings, students discover what it means to treat not just symptoms but the whole patient, and are powerfully prepared to be leaders and practitioners upon graduation.
You are going to become a healthcare professional that people turn to often when others have failed to alleviate their pain.
Dr. Anne Killen
Provost and Vice President of Academic Affairs
Fueled by evidence and experience.
Hands-on education is key to a Northeast College chiropractic education. You’ll begin your clinical work during your 7th trimester, first working as a student clerk in one of the College’s health centers and then branching out for rotations in diverse healthcare settings like community centers, hospitals and integrative healthcare clinics, Veterans Affairs and Department of Defense medical facilities and private practices.
Real-world training combined with classroom learning will allow you to practice newfound skills, hone your expertise, and build confidence and competence. You'll graduate as a skilled practitioner ready to join the ranks of passionate healthcare professionals working with elite athletes, teaching at prestigious universities, and managing their own successful practices.
The excellence of our clinical opportunities support students as they build a patient-centered, evidence-informed professional foundation and grow to become leaders in healthcare.
Dr. Wendy Maneri,
(D.C. '99) Northeast Dean of Clinical Education
Applied Experience in Diverse Settings.
Our students build and apply their knowledge from the very beginning. Whether earning an M.S. or a doctorate, all Northeast education is rooted in scientific research, relevant case studies and pertinent experiences. For example, nutrition students can complete clinical experience practice hours virtually, working with virtual patients. Students in the HAPI program work to craft and present comprehensive practical anatomy curricula. Chiropractic students deliver hands-on patient care in a diverse array of clinical settings – including in specialty area of practice, from pediatrics to sports and human performance to occupational health and beyond. In short, Northeast has a hands-on or clinical opportunity for you.
The chiropractic clinical experiences at Northeast will take you to community health centers, hospitals, residential centers. Veterans Administration (VA) and Department of Defense (DoD) medical centers, private practices, and community-based sporting events. M.S. students can even receive clinical experience virtually. These opportunities offer you valuable hands-on training while providing important and valuable healthcare and treatment to the community.
Northeast College Community Health Centers.
Northeast maximizes your opportunities by structuring chiropractic clinical learning as a “hub and spoke” model. In your third and final year of study you will be assigned to a health center home base, or “hub” – one of three College-run clinics across New York state. There you will work alongside faculty clinician-mentors to treat patients from the local community.
Each hub also has relationships with additional healthcare centers and providers, or “spokes,” located across the U.S. and Canada. You’ll be assigned to practice at these spoke sites on a rotating basis, ensuring you get the widest variety of patient care experiences. And when your rotations are complete, you will be an expert adjuster who is ready to lead and heal.
50+ Clinical Opportunities.
Remote clerkship rotations, including private practice, Veterans Administration and Department of Defense medical centers such as:
- The Oscar G. Johnson VA Medical Center — Iron Mountain, Mich.
- The VA Pittsburgh Healthcare System — Pittsburgh, Pa.
- The Albany Stratton VA Medical Center — Albany, N.Y.
- The University Hospital Connor Integrative Network — Ohio
Community-service healthcare settings, including community-based centers, free-care sites and college-based health centers like:
- Northeast College Health Center — Levittown, Depew and Seneca Falls, N.Y.
- University of Buffalo
- Stony Brook University
- Farmingdale State University
- SUNY Old Westbury
Placements in hospitals nationwide, including Department of Defense, Veterans Administration and academic medical centers such as:
- Pittsburgh Veterans Hospital — Pittsburgh, Pa.
- Bay Pines Veterans Administration Healthcare System — Bay Pines, Fla.
- Roudebush Veterans Administration Medical Center — Indianapolis, Ind.
- Veteran’s Administration Medical Center — Miami, Fla.
- Albany Stratton Veterans Administration Medical Center — Albany, N.Y.
- Oscar G. Johnson Veterans Administration Medical Center — Iron Mountain, Mich.
- VA Finger Lakes Healthcare System — Bath, Canandaigua and Rochester, N.Y.
Preceptorships at locations throughout the U.S. and Canada, including:
- Align Spine Health Center, LLC – Silver Spring, Md.
- Mid Atlantic Spinal Rehab and Chiropractic – Baltimore and Parkville, Md.
- Pow-Her Chiropractic – Rockville, Md.
- Block Chiropractic Sports and Wellness – Smithtown and Selden, N.Y.
- Haymarket Chiropractic and Rehabilitation – Gainesville, Va.
- Sentara Therapy Center Stafford – Stafford, Va.
- Broadway at Yew Chiropractic and Massage – Vancouver, British Columbia
Opportunities at sporting and community-based events including:
- Rochester Marathon
- Syracuse Marathon
- AIDS Ride for Life
- Burn Run
- It’s a Wonderful Life Run 5K
- Buffalo Bills 50 Yard Finish 5K
M.S. in Applied Clinical Nutrition program students can take Northeast's introduction to clinical practice course and gain firsthand experience working with virtual patients.
Less than 0.1 percent of the world's population has the privilege of being able to learn anatomy by touching and dissecting a human cadaver. What we do in Northeast’s anatomy labs and lectures corresponds directly to students' future work with patients.
Dr. Michael Zumpano
director of Northeast College's Anatomy Center