Northeast Community Reporting
Please select a link below to file a report/concern with the appropriate responsible College official.
If you are concerned that an individual may be at risk to harm themselves or others, call:
M-F, 8:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m.: Carol Faivre at 315.568.3047
Evenings and weekends: Northeast Campus Security at 315.568.3022
If the matter poses imminent danger, call 911.
Title IX

Select this link to submit reports of discrimination, sexual harassment, stalking and sexual misconduct. Reports filed via this link are received and responded to By Title IX Coordinator Carol L. Faivre, B.S.
Additional Title IX Resources:
Care Referral

Select this link if you have a concern about an individual you feel may be in (or at risk for) distress. Examples of risk identifiers include:
- Academic difficulty (ex. poor attendance, performance, quality of work)
- Concerning interactions with others
- Concerning statements made by the individual
- Noticeable changes in appearance, behavior and/or mood
Reports filed via this link are received and responded to by a CARE Team Chair.
If the matter poses imminent danger, call 911.
Code of Conduct/Code of Ethics

Code of Conduct / Ethics Complaint Form >>
Select this link to report an infraction of Northeast's Code of Conduct and/or Code of Ethics policies. Examples of allegations that may fall under this scope include, but are not limited to, the following:
- Acts of dishonesty (ex. furnishing false information to a College official, cheating, theft)
- Policy violations (including those concerning academics, the health centers, housing)
- Willful disregard of College guidance and policy during crises and/or emergencies
Reports filed via this link are received by and responded to by Judicial Officer Dr. Brett Carnevale.
Additional Resource:
Section VII of Catalog & Student Guide:
Health Referral

Faculty should select this link to complete a health referral if they discover a student health or well-being issue during normal classroom instruction or clinical training. The purpose of the health referral process is to ensure student health and safety, as well as support the overall ability of our students to participate fully as patients and students in Northeast courses and health centers.
Reports filed via this link are received and responded to by a health center official.
Student Complaints And Grievances

Student Complaints and Grievances >>
Select this link to submit an informal complaint or formal grievance.
Northeast encourages regular and open communication among students, staff, and faculty. The complaints and grievance policy provides a process for Northeast students to raise concerns regarding the application and administration of Northeast rules, procedures or regulations and, if a concern is not resolved to a student’s satisfaction, to pursue a formal grievance.
The full complaint and grievance policy can be found in the Catalog & Student Guide under Section X. General Policies, K. Student Complaints and Grievances.